What Next..?

Karunanidhi seemed to have scored the latest "one-up" in the "Support Srilankan Tamils Cause" competition that is taking place among various parties in Tamilnadu. Three cheers to him in any case, as there is atleast a temporary sigh of relief for the civilians fleeing the conflict zone.

Kilinochi, Wanni, Mullaithivu.... the army taking control of these places from LTTE is purely an internal affair of a soverign state. We could only pray God, that there are no civilian casualities, and civilians rescued are taken care well and there is no news of discrimination.

Sri Lanka is a multi-religious society. About 70% of the population follows Buddhism. Buddhism came to Sri Lanka from India dating back to over two thousands years. Buddhism was regarded the highest ethical and philosophical expression of Sinhalese culture and civilization.

Buddhism is a religion of tolerance because it preaches a life of self-restraint. Buddhism teaches a life based not on rules but on principles. Buddhism has never advocated of persecuting or maltreating those whose beliefs are different. The Teaching is such that it is not necessary for anyone to label himself as a Buddhist to practise the Noble Principles of this religion.

Peace cannot exit in this earth without the practice of tolerance. To be tolerant, we must not allow anger and jealousy to prevail in our mind. The Buddha says,'No enemy can harm one so much as one's own thoughts of craving, hate and jealousy.' (Dhammapada 42). Tolerance must be practised by the majority, if peace is to come to this small country. Force and compulsion will only create intolerance that has already been witnessed for past five decades.

Today the followers of the most compassionate Buddha in Srilanka have a special duty to work for the establishment of peace among its fellow country men be it Singalese or Tamilians. and Show an example to the world, by co-existing in peace, following their Master's advice:- 'All tremble at punishment, all fear death; comparing others with oneself, one should neither kill nor cause to kill.' (Dhammapada 129)

Though, the Indian sea shores will be always open and welcome & support the refugees who flee from Lanka from the ongoing conflict, it would be really great and heartwarming, if they are made to settle and live peacefully with full soverign rights in their homeland - courtesy by the Srilankan government. That is the only meaningful solution for all these days of struggle.

Finally, by the way, a question posted to those who supported Lankan army from day one..when India is going to act tough against the terrorists and extremists acting in its own soil, the likes of Naxalites, ULFAs, and LETies ?


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