There was an article in Sunday Times this week ... titled "I am Brahmin... " ; the following is in line with the emotions reflected in the article.. Politicians and Law Makers always talk about reservations in jobs in both private and govt sector. Let us check the rationale behind the reservations.. They have a list of castes which they have categorised as forward, backward, most backward, scheduled etc., The reservations in any manner in jobs / admissions in colleges are based on the caste system. Look at who are the beneficiaries.. Parents are doctors..son being from a favoured (lets call like that only na,,, favoured by govt !!) caste get admission into mbbs even at lesser grades thrashing a chance of a deserving candidate. Family is in a good business, entire set of children get into plum jobs just being from a favoured caste class, again seizing the chance of deserving candidates who really require a job for their living without much family background. The Loosers.. are ...